Friday 25 May 2012

Freakin lovely day!

Morning all, what an absolutely glorious day! Apologies for the delay in posting, it's been a manic week at work where I have been leaving at 5:30 in the morning and not back until 8 at night, so I have been avoiding the PC like the plague given the recent turn to good weather!

It's a lovely sunny day, it's going to be in the 20's today here, and I am working from home! Woohoo! I have all windows and doors open and I am off for a run in another hour to soak in the sun.

So, I have recently had a care package arrive from home, I just love care packages! Especially as I can't readily buy these things in the UK!

Trader Joe's cookie butter, which is incredibly sugary and naughty and will be saved for special occasions and my beloved PB2. I add it to so many things, my morning oats, smoothies to cover the taste of spinach, etc.

I was down to my last tablespoon of PB2 as well, bonus!

I am currently participating in a virtual bootcamp to clean up my diet and shape up. It's called Fabulously Fit at Forty. The first two days advocated clean eating (albeit relatively low in carbs) and no exercise. Well I followed the eating plan, but did spin anyway as I love the class.

Even if she makes us sweat like the dickens! I had seen a review of these Halo headbands on Stuft Mama's Blog and had to have one so I was thrilled that they had a UK website. I also bought the ball cap and they are both awesome! I will be using the ball cap later today when I go for a run to keep the sun out of my eyes. 

More later!
x Steph

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